Sorry for the late response.

Would it be reasonable to have the syntax be something like:

| given=Jonathan
| family=Lang
| middle=LeRoy
| surname=Mr.
| {{{given}}} {{{middle}}} {{{family}}}

| given=Ranma
| family=Saotome
| {{{family}}} {{{given}}}

This way, the subobject's formatting could be determined on a case-by-case
basis, and in a manner that people are used to (i.e., value on the left;
display on the right).  In effect, the unnamed entry is assumed to contain
an "inline template" for display purposes.  This saves you the trouble of
writing a new template every time you want to format a subobject

If no inline template is given, there should be a default inline template on
the property page; possibly use the property page itself *as* the default
template, and rely on the usual tricks used by template pages to define text
that should only be available when viewing the property page and text that
should only be available when making use of it as a template.

BTW: "subobject" is technically accurate, but needlessly long.  I'd
recommend going with "object" instead.  Granted, this is a nitpick; but
there you are.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang
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