I would like to give an aggregated reply to the discussions around 
having formatting strings with {{{markers}}} to be part of #subobject 

Decision: we will not implement this.

Reason: MediaWiki has templates for doing exactly this. SMW will not 
replicate available functionality. To get "subobjects with custom 
formatting" one can create a template that produces the format based on 
input parameters. This template can then include a #subobject call. This 
solution is more powerful (you can have arbitrarily complex formatting 
in templates without syntactic restrictions), much more robust (no 
conflict of {{{markers}}} and no hacks in the MediaWiki parser to use 
this syntax), readily available without any implementation work and 
already familiar to users without additional training. :-)



On 24/10/11 18:00, John McClure wrote:
> Are embedded subobjects something like
> {{#subobject: objname | objpropname= {{#subobject: subobjname |
> subobjpropname=x}}
> }}
> I am mystified by the {{{given}}}...{{{family}}} parameter - how is it
> used/referenced? More than one? Positional?
> I don't think subobject is technically accurate, nor object for that
> matter, as these technically connote behavior.
> How about "vector"?
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* Jon Lang [mailto:datawea...@gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 23, 2011 3:48 PM
> *To:* Yury Katkov
> *Cc:* Semediawiki-user; Markus Krötzsch; Semantic MediaWiki developers
> *Subject:* Re: [SMW-devel] RFC Subobjects (aka "internal objects") in SMW
>     Sorry for the late response.
>     Would it be reasonable to have the syntax be something like:
>     {{#subobject:name
>     | given=Jonathan
>     | family=Lang
>     | middle=LeRoy
>     | surname=Mr.
>     | {{{given}}} {{{middle}}} {{{family}}}
>     }}
>     {{#subobject:name
>     | given=Ranma
>     | family=Saotome
>     | {{{family}}} {{{given}}}
>     }}
>     This way, the subobject's formatting could be determined on a
>     case-by-case basis, and in a manner that people are used to (i.e.,
>     value on the left; display on the right). In effect, the unnamed
>     entry is assumed to contain an "inline template" for display
>     purposes. This saves you the trouble of writing a new template every
>     time you want to format a subobject differently.
>     If no inline template is given, there should be a default inline
>     template on the property page; possibly use the property page itself
>     /as/ the default template, and rely on the usual tricks used by
>     template pages to define text that should only be available when
>     viewing the property page and text that should only be available
>     when making use of it as a template.
>     BTW: "subobject" is technically accurate, but needlessly long. I'd
>     recommend going with "object" instead. Granted, this is a nitpick;
>     but there you are.
>     --
>     Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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