Thank you for your introduction Jeroen, i shall gaze upon the smw
sourcecode with new light tomorrow and see if i can't implement something
along the lines of your suggestion.

A couple of questions though.

As for your insight on the metadata issue, you state that it would be
better to have metadata pointing to it. So say i have a
[[Polygon::<coords>,<coords>,<coords>]] property defined exactly how can i
point additional metadata to this object? properties like stroke color,
stroke weight, stroke opacity, fill color, fill opacity but also textual
content (title/text).

And How does smw handle one to many relationships? take for example a the
Maps polygons parameter, a map can have several polygons, one polygon
consists of several coordinates. Would smw be able to handle a collection
of polygons which is a collection of coordinates? How would this be defined
in wiki code?

Would this structure be a fair assumption?

Best regards
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