
As you are running MW 1.22.* [0], you may have an interest in reading [0].

[0] https://www.wien.gv.at/wiki/index.php/Spezial:Version



On 9/24/14, Krabina Bernhard <krab...@kdz.or.at> wrote:
> Dear SMW users,
> this might not be a directly SMW related question, but maybe some of you
> have experience with the job queue and job table?
> In the Vienna History wiki, jobs do not get done when running runJobs.php.
> The Job table shows that the jobs currently in the queue are locked: there
> are entries in the row "job_token" which results in the jobs not being done
> by the script.
> How can I know why and what locked these jobs, how to unlock them or what
> else to do?
> There have been 12400 jobs sitting around for a week:
> https://www.wien.gv.at/wiki/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=statistics&format=jsonfm
> Suddenly, without anybody knowing why, ~ 5000 have been done, but > 7000 are
> still sitting there
> showJobs.php always shows "0" and runJobs.php executes without error and
> without doing anything.
> regards,
> Bernhard
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