
On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 19:00, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > Is there any interest (beyond me) for refactoring the James
> > server implementation to allow non-Merlin/Avalon use ?
> Yes, but not a lot of energy to put into it, unless you're offering.  And at
> least one container to target would be the Geronimo kernel.
> > We're finding that Constructor Dependency Injection (CDI) is pretty
> > popular now.  There is a way for most Serviceable/Configurable/etc
> > components to split into AbstractFoo, AvalonFoo and SimpleFoo type
> > classes that would facilitate a non-Avalon capability for James.
> That sounds similar to the approach adopted by the Directory project.

Actually we (at Directory) were shown how to do this by Paul himself:

http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgNo=279

Thanks again for the tip Paul.  This will make it very easy for us to
integrate into other containers like Geronimo and eventually into James
regardless of the container that is chosen.


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