
I was going to commit this, but wanted to run it by you just since it
introduces another dependency.

The biggest challenge I face with developing mail-apps is that it's a
pain to restart James and manage all the dependencies.  Also, my
mail-apps are typically just feature extensions of a webapp.

To address those two issues, what I want is a mailet that did an RPC
with the email and recipient address(s) and consume the email.  This
takes any business logic and DAO and whatever else out of James and
lets me leave it in the webapp.

The easiest way I know to do this is use the Hessian protocol.
(  It's Apache-style licensed,
implemented in numerous languages, and really is dirt simple web
services.  The mailet would be as simple as configuring the URL to
call for the hessian service.  The hessian service would implement a
one-line interface that accepts a MimeMessage and recipients (well,
the Mail object).

I can throw some examples together in the wiki if that would help.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >>
p. 301.656.5501

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