I am a +1 for Maven. 
I believe that Maven greatly simplifies build, test, documentation. 
Of course you have to buy it's POM, but I do not consider that to be a major 
drawback, since it is close to what we got and is well designed.
It is my opinion that if you try to bend your own POM to Maven instead of 
adopting Maven's POM you are in for a bumpy ride, and in that case I would be 
-1 on the subject.


On Wednesday 24 May 2006 11:58, Stefano Bagnara wrote:
> I was writing this to ask Noel for some more explanations about why he
> doesn't like Maven2, but I'd like to know the opinion of all committers
> about this.
> What is your opinion about switching our build system to maven2 ?
> I'm +0.5 for the following reasons:
> 1. using a "standard" directory layout simplify the use of third party
> tools
> 2. At least Eclipse and maybe even IDEA and NetBeans have a maven2
> plugin that simplify the import/configuration of a maven2 project.
> 3. We can try to remove libraries from our repository
> 4. It will allow us to split James in subprojects: mailet-api,
> mailet-impl, core, smtp, pop3, nntp, fetchmail, mailets, spoolmanager
> having well-defined dependencies between modules. This will improve the
> self-documentation provided by james sourcecode (it makes much more
> clear the modules and the dependencies) and maybe a step towards OSGi
> bundles.
> 5. It simplify the integration in continuous integrations environments.
> 6. It should be easier to create a website integrating James Server and
> our subprojects (jSPF, jSieve, Mime4J, Postage).
> I know we can achieve some of the tasks even not using Maven2: in this
> case I would like to know what you propose as an alternative.
> About the "website skin" if anyone does not like the maven2 default skins:
> Stylus: http://maven.apache.org/
> Default: http://www.mime4j.org/
> We can even write our own skin to match as close as possible the current
> james style.
> I would also like to know what is the opinion about the usage of the
> Standard Directory Layout
> (http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-the-standard-d
>irectory-layout.html) and the splitting of James in modules.
> Can we do the latter without switching to Maven2 ?
> Stefano
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