I think the "reverted" message is given because at the last build the
file was fixed in terms of tabs vs. spaces by our build script. Next
time, gump sees the local change and reverts the file to the svn

On 9/15/06, Stefano Bagnara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bernd Fondermann wrote:
> I'd like to get familiar with the automatic build process. On which
> machine is it, and what script is running that? At first I thought it
> must be minotaur/people, but did not find it.
> Thanks,
>  Bernd

Hi Bernd,

The only automatic thing ASF give us is GUMP. Under the gump folder in
svn you can try to find more informations and you can also find the
descriptor used to build james there. Unfortunately I don't know much
more about this but this page that I keep monitored:

This mail, instead, come from a Noel server. This is not something that
ASF give to us.

I also have a CI based on continuum where I build all of the james
products using maven2. It is still experimental but I plan to give more
visibility to other developers in future. Last time I worked on it I was
trying to automatically produce our full website but including much more
developers reports (like clover) and all the latest trunk instead of
stable releases (that instead should be published on the official site).
This does not work very well because of a bug in a maven plugin (I
think) but I had no time to work more on this and I'm already happy with
the automatic builds it give me now.


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