Hi eric,

thx for all your help, maybe smtp-source ( which is included in
postfix ) can help you with stress testing.


2010/3/31, Eric Charles <eric.char...@u-mangate.com>:
> Hi Norman,
> There are not so much .m64 files, so even it it shows that a mail
> processing didn't reach the end and may have cause a leak, I don't think
> it would make crash my process so quick (between 10 and 24 hours).
> I quickly analysed a few dumps last week : there is always a class that
> took 30/40% of the memory. Sometimes a activemq class, sometimes not
> (don't remember the details).
> Also notable, the stack trace (the place where the OOM gives problems)
> varies.
> Today stack was:
> org.apache.camel.RuntimeCamelException:
> org.apache.camel.CamelExchangeException: Error processing Exchange.
> Exchange[JmsMessage: ActiveMQObjectMessage {commandId = 2102,
> responseRequired = true, messageId =
> ID:srv001-51032-1270011735798-2:0:24:1:214, originalDestination = null,
> originalTransactionId = null, producerId =
> ID:srv001-51032-1270011735798-2:0:24:1, destination =
> queue://processor.root, transactionId = null, expiration = 0, timestamp
> = 1270014325685, arrival = 0, brokerInTime = 1270014326893,
> brokerOutTime = 1270014333023, correlationId = null, replyTo = null,
> persistent = true, type = null, priority = 4, groupID = null,
> groupSequence = 0, targetConsumerId = null, compressed = false, userID =
> null, content = org.apache.activemq.util.byteseque...@69b568d0,
> marshalledProperties = null, dataStructure = null, redeliveryCounter =
> 0, size = 10718, properties = null, readOnlyProperties = true,
> readOnlyBody = true, droppable = false}]. Caused by:
> [java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - Java heap space]
>      at
> org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.wrapRuntimeCamelException(ObjectHelper.java:1055)
>      at
> org.apache.camel.spring.spi.TransactionErrorHandler$1.doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionErrorHandler.java:154)
> ...
> I also think the tmp files are not the main cause.
> I have now james running in eclipse and I made already made a little
> trip in the code. Quite impressive since last time I looked at it.
> I will try to stress james with a small smtp/pop3 client (I used
> postage, but a simple class with commons-net behind) may be easier and
> see what happens (eventually with eclipse profiler).
> It will be for this weekend for me.
> Bye,
> Eric
> On 03/31/2010 07:11 PM, Norman Maurer wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> thx for keeping us in the loop... I'm still not sure why the .m64
>> files are still in the tmp folder sometimes.. But I suspect the files
>> are not the cause of the OOM.
>> I didn't get a OOM since yesterday morning (the time I deployed
>> current trunk version), but just found to new .m64 files..
>> So I'm still searching for the real cause. If nothing helps I will
>> need to use a profiler to find th leak.
>> Bye,
>> Norman
>> 2010/3/31 Eric Charles<eric.char...@u-mangate.com>:
>>> Hi Norman,
>>> I had defined the Null mailet
>>> <mailet match="HostIsLocal" class="Null">
>>> <processor>  local-address-error</processor>
>>> <notice>550 - Requested action not taken: no such user here</notice>
>>> </mailet>
>>> but now, I use the standard config
>>> <mailet match="HostIsLocal" class="ToProcessor">
>>> <processor>  local-address-error</processor>
>>> <notice>550 - Requested action not taken: no such user here</notice>
>>> </mailet>
>>> I still have the OOM.
>>> I will now deploy a fresh svn with your last commits and enable the
>>> ValidRcptHandler.
>>> I keep you posted with the result,
>>> Tks,
>>> Eric
>>> On 03/30/2010 06:49 AM, Norman Maurer wrote:
>>>> Hi Eric,
>>>> you said all the files are related to address-errors , could you show
>>>> me your address error processor config?
>>>> Does the Problem still exist when you enable the ValidRcptHandler in
>>>> the smtpserver.xml file?
>>>> Thx
>>>> Norman
>>>> 2010/3/30, Eric Charles<eric.char...@u-mangate.com>:
>>>>> Oops, no, the files are still there (only unkn...@known.com).
>>>>> Eric
>>>>> On 03/29/2010 10:16 PM, Eric Charles wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Norman,
>>>>>> I just deployed your new commit with the new camel DisposeProcess.
>>>>>> Good news : I don't see anymore the m64 file in tmp (well I see 1
>>>>>> file, on the second after, it is no more there, so the dispose works
>>>>>> as it should).
>>>>>> I keep you posted with our eventual future OOM.
>>>>>> Tks,
>>>>>> Eric
>>>>>> On 03/29/2010 09:18 PM, Eric Charles wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Norman,
>>>>>>> The .m64 are all to "unkown user" but to "well known domain" (so for
>>>>>>> <unkn...@known.com>).
>>>>>>> They are from various size (with and without attachment).
>>>>>>> They are well formed (I can open the downloaded file with
>>>>>>> thunderbird)
>>>>>>> However, when I sent a mail to unkn...@known.com, I don't see it in
>>>>>>> the /tmp
>>>>>>> Tks,
>>>>>>> Eric
>>>>>>> On 03/29/2010 08:43 PM, Norman Maurer wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Eric,
>>>>>>>> sure.. we have to find the OOM cause. What would be interesting,
>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>> you check somehow if the .m64 files are files which are related to
>>>>>>>> successfully delivered mail ?
>>>>>>>> Thx,
>>>>>>>> Norman
>>>>>>>> 2010/3/29 Eric Charles<eric.char...@u-mangate.com>:
>>>>>>>>> Norman,
>>>>>>>>> Done. Now, we have to wait...
>>>>>>>>> I saw some created *.m64 that were removed.
>>>>>>>>> But there are other ones that remains in /tmp.
>>>>>>>>> I sometimes run a jmap (java memory map) to produce a heap dump and
>>>>>>>>> analyse
>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>> At the beginning, everything seems ok, and often, when I come back,
>>>>>>>>> the OOM
>>>>>>>>> has already occured.
>>>>>>>>> I changed the -Xmx512m to -Xmx256m to have a quicker exception (if
>>>>>>>>> any,
>>>>>>>>> let's hope not).
>>>>>>>>> The *.m64 are a clue and we should ensure that they are removed in
>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>> circumstances.
>>>>>>>>> This may be the easy part, as we have some visible clues (the
>>>>>>>>> files).
>>>>>>>>> We should also ensure after that there are no other causes to the
>>>>>>>>> leaks.
>>>>>>>>> Tks,
>>>>>>>>> Eric
>>>>>>>>> On 03/29/2010 08:00 PM, Norman Maurer wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Eric,
>>>>>>>>>> I found the cause for the not deleted temporary files. Hopefully
>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>> is the cause of the OOM. Could try to svn up and run again ?
>>>>>>>>>> Thx,
>>>>>>>>>> Norman
>>>>>>>>>> 2010/3/29 Norman Maurer<norman.mau...@googlemail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Eric,
>>>>>>>>>>> thx for the report. I see exact the same problem today here..
>>>>>>>>>>> (The
>>>>>>>>>>> OOM). Didn't notice the files in the tmp folder, but I think
>>>>>>>>>>> thats
>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>> good pointer. I will try to debug the problem later or tomorrow.
>>>>>>>>>>> But I
>>>>>>>>>>> suspect you are right about the tmp files and jms producers.. Did
>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>> run a kill -3 pid to see what threads are active etc ?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thx,
>>>>>>>>>>> Norman
>>>>>>>>>>> Ps: Patches are welcome :)
>>>>>>>>>>> 2010/3/29 Eric Charles<eric.char...@u-mangate.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> The last two weeks, I deployed various trunk snapshots.
>>>>>>>>>>>> After james running less than 1 day, I always ran into a
>>>>>>>>>>>> OutOfMemory
>>>>>>>>>>>> Exception.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I analysed the logs (for example STACK TRACE 1 in annex), and
>>>>>>>>>>>> always
>>>>>>>>>>>> found
>>>>>>>>>>>> Camel complaining when trying to deliver on JMS queue.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried to adapt the ActiveMQ configuration based on
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://activemq.apache.org/javalangoutofmemory.html but nothing
>>>>>>>>>>>> helped.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I also analyzed various heap dump :sometimes, 65% was used by
>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.NioSocketSession, sometimes
>>>>>>>>>>>> by a
>>>>>>>>>>>> activemq class,...
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