Hi Manolo
Very glad to see your reply. The reason why I want to choose the gwt-platform was that it is more smoothly to update from current Hupa's state(gwt-presenter). However, I like the native one rather than gwtp since it will import the other resources. What I really want to do is to replace the MVP by gwt itself. I was just afraid whether I can complete the proposal before the deadline of GSoC, so I asked for you advices. If possible, I want to use the core mvp in gwt to realize it. Over these days, I have been researching the Hupa project and GWT technology and later on I want to show you something I am changing.
To the new features, I would like to implement as many features, that a current email client should have,  as possible not only during the GSoC period, but also after that. And I am also keeping my eyes open on the Hupa's JIRA, where some wonderful ideas come out gradually. Sure I will give my deeper discription after my researching. I don't think it will be late.
Thanks a lot :)

Wish you a happy

Hi Echo

I've been reading your application and it looks right to me.
One thing I see is that you have selected gwt-platform instead of the
core mvp in gwt but you don't say any reason about why you prefer the
first option.
Also I'd like a deeper description of how you pretend to face new
features, I mean components, persistence, customization etc.

- Manolo


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