
While writing the documentation, I came across a term for which I would like to 
propose a change. Benoit asked that we hold a discussion here before making a 
final decision.

I am proposing that we change “Product” (as in for example the "James with 
Guice + Cassandra + RabbitMQ + Swift + ElasticSearch **Product**”) to “Profile”.

At the same time, I am also proposing some more general names. For example, the 
above "James with Guice + Cassandra + RabbitMQ + Swift + ElasticSearch 
**Product**” would become the “James Distributed Profile”.

The explanation I gave previously for my issue with “product" was:

> Personally, I have a problem with "product”. […] I tend to think of a 
> "product" as something a little different than what is intended here. Mainly, 
> "product" seems to me to have a very commercial connotation in English. I 
> think that is not what is intended here. Secondly, I feel that "product" for 
> the average person probably refers to "Apache James" itself. If anything, 
> these would be more like "sub-products" to me.

“Profile” seems a much better fit, if you are willing to make this change.


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