FWD AS RECIEVED: (Very Intresting)


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Salaams, this is the mail conversation between myself and Ay. Sistani's office 
(plus info from other Firqas and faiths below), which makes it very clear that 
recycling of the Holy Qur'an and Sacred texts is NOT PERMISSIBLE. We need to 
buy a simple plot of land, or a grave within our own cemetery plot, which we 
can use to respectfully bury our Holy Books, with the reverence they deserve, 
when they become 'Shaheed', since putting them in a flowing river is not 
possible in the UK. They are NOT  "just books"  (Astaghfirullah)!!!

Please forward this info to your contacts.

> From: eansw...@najaf.org
> Subject: RE: 
> Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 10:14:28 +0100
> In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
> It is not permissible, if such is exposed to desecration and insult
> Wassalamu Alaykum
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 1:18 AM
> To: eansw...@najaf.org
> Subject: 
> Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
> Assalaamo Alaikum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh,
> Heartiest Felicitations and Blessings to Your Eminence on the most
> Auspicious occasions of the Birth Anniversaries of Imam Hussain (AS), H.
> Abbas (AS) and Imam Zain-ul-Abideen (AS).
> May Allah swt protect Your Eminence and grant You a long, healthy and
> peaceful life, Ameen.
> My question for Your Eminence's consideration is regarding the disposal of
> Sacred texts. In the UK, Holy books, such as the Qur'an, Bible, etc, are
> being sent for recycling when their condition becomes unusable. I have
> recently seen a tv programme where they showed such Texts in torn condition,
> being put into the same containers and machinery as vulgar magazines and
> newspapers, to be turned into pulp, and the end product of this recycling is
> toilet paper.
> Is it permissible, under these circumstances, to dispose of the Holy Qur'an
> and other sacred Islamic texts through this method of recycling? I have read
> that the Qur'an, when it becomes unreadable, should be buried. If so, what
> is the best procedure for this in the UK?
> I await a reply at Your Eminence's earliest convenience.
> Wassalaam.

ALL the Madhabs (Firqa) concur that recycling Sacred Texts is most disrespecful 
and should not be done:

>From Sunni sources:

What is the ruling on the recycling of newspapers and magazines which contain 
Quranic translations and Ahadeeth. Is it permissible to dispose them in the 
recycle bin to be recycled?

The preferred method with regards to the disposing of Islamic literature is to 
have it wrapped up in a clean piece of cloth and buried in a safe place.

In recycling such literature one would be showing a great amount of disrespect 
towards it, and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf
Kwa Zulu Natal
South Africa

It is preferable for Islamic literature to be buried. This is a more dignified 
manner of disposing the literature. Similarly, it is Mustahabb (preferable) for 
hair, nails, etc. to be buried, and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

Allamah ibn Abidin, a great Hanafi Scholar states:

“If a copy of the Qur’an becomes old and it is difficult to read it, it should 
NOT be burnt in fire.”

This is also the view of Imam Mohammed (Student of  Imam Abu Hanifah). It is 
best to bury them after wrapping them into something pure and clean.

The conclusion is, there are two methods of disposing an unusable Qur’an and 
Islamic literature:

(1) Wrapping them in a piece of cloth or something pure and burying them 
respectfully in a place where people normally do not walk.

(2) Fastening the items to something heavy such as a stone and placing it 
respectfully in flowing river. 

Even Roman Catholic CHRISTIANS have the same view: Sacred Scriptures are 
handled with dignity. When it comes to a point where it is damaged beyond use, 
i.e. torn pages, pages missing, etc., it, being blessed, is to be disposed of 
with dignity. It should be buried.

It's perfectly clear, then, that NO Schools of Thought doubt that Muslims must 
respect and venerate the Holy Qur'an and prevent it from being exposed to 
mishandling and disrespect, even if it is damaged beyond use.

May Allah swt guide the misguided, and us all, Ameen.


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Take Care  &    
Mohamedhusein G. F. Somji
Let us Remember Each-Other in our Duas. 
Let us pray for all our Departed Ones. 

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