
Mubarak wajj shareef of

khalifatallh, Kalifatu Rasulillah, Imamus Shariaat watt Tariqat,
Imamul Aimmah, Muhius sunnah, kutubul A`alam, Mujaddidul A’azam,
Huzzatul Islam, Saiyidul Aowlia, Sultamin Nasir, Habeebullah, Sultanul
Wayeezeen, Gausul A`azam, Shaiyeduna Imam Mamduh Hazrat  Murshid
Quibla Mudda Zilluhul Aalee  RAJARBAGH SHAREEF
In the view of Quraan Shareef and Sunnah Shareef

Nourishing, maintaining and Observing the Eeed-e-Miladun Nabee
Sallallhu Alaihi wa Sallam is Far’d-46
=Al-Baiyinaat Shareef-196 episode

The habeeb of Allah Pak, Noore Muijassam Habeebullah Huzur Pak
Sallalllahu Alaihi wa Sallam said, “The habeeb of Allah Pak huzur pak
Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam is distributor and Allah Pak is the donor,
The giver Allah pak has gifted Hadia all to Habeeb of Allah. The
Habeeb of Allah Pak is the distributor. The habeeb of Allah Pak
distributed everything from himself”. “Where the Sultanul Hind, Khaja
Garibun Newaj Habeebullah Rahmatullahi Alaihi will perform his deeds
of Hedayet?” “O you go to the Azmir shareef. That is the center of
your deeds of hedayet. Really he came here, performed his deeds of
Hedayet. For his sake more than one crore of people took Hedayet and
had been Muslims. (SubhanAllah)
So we can see, yet now the Habeeb of Allah Pak is the distributor
though he took departure, though he is not present physically but he
is in a cartain.
There are many Oakeah (true story) about this subject. One famous
Oaakeah (true story) of Hazrat Abdul Haq Muhaddis Delhibi Rahmatullahi
Alaihi who was world famous OliAllah and renowned pious man. When he
finished his study from Madeena Shareef, he finished his study on
Hadees Shreef, achieved deep knowledge, achieved Ilm, he become a
Muhaqqiq-Mudaqqiq (highly scholar and knowledgeable). He was busy to
achieve Eilmul Tasaoof. Every day he obtained the company of
Habibullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam
Sitting beside the Roowja Shareef in Murakaba (deep meditation).
When his study of Iilm (knowledge) has been ended then Habeebullah
Huzur Pak Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam said, “O ye Abdul Haq! Madeena
Shareef is not your living place; from here you go to Delhi. Your
center of Hedayet (expanding place of the right way) is in Delhi. You
have to be there.” Hearing this message Hazrat Abdul Haq Muhaddis
Dehibi Rahmatullahi Alaihi replied, “O Habeeb of Allah Pak
Habeebullah Huzur Pak  Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam! It is very hard
and intolerable for me that I will be in a distance from you. I could
not tolerate this; Ya Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Allahi wa
Sallam. I am unable to live a moment being in a distance from you. If
I go there surely I will die.”
Saiyidul Mursalin, Imamul Mursalim, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu
Allahi wa Sallam said, “Don’t worry; Don’t cry. Your center of
expanding Hedayet in Delhi. So you go there and don’t be worried.
Every night you may meet with me sitting in Murakaba. (SubhanAllah)
Really that happened. He came from Madeena Shareef to Delhi. Every
night he meets with Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam
sitting in Murakabah.” He passes time by taking the Mubarak Sohbat
(company) of Habeebullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam and again comes
back. there are many Owakeyah (true story) like this.There are many
examples that Habeebullah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam fixed the place
of expanding Hedayet of every Awlia-e-Kiram individually. Habeebullah
Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam says them where they should go
and where will their centre of Hedayet. This is because Habeebullah
Huzur Pak Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam himself is the distributor.
So, they are wrong and wretch who says that Iblis (The devil) became
happy for Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam’s drawing
cartain from here. (Naujubillah). Here’s nothing for Iblis (the devil)
to be happy. The coming and going of Saiyidul Mursaleen, Imamul
Mursaleen, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam these
both tidings are unpleasant and hard for the Iblis (the devil).
Because his all conspiracies of harm are being ruined and destroyed by
Awliya-e-kiram Rahmatullahi Alaihim who are giving service for Hedayet
according to the instructions of  Habeebullah Huzur Pak  Sallallahu
Allahi wa Sallam all over the world. So, it is strictly kufri to say
that the Iblis (the devil) became pleased for the bisal shareef
(going) of Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam. “It is
(Meeladunnabee Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) not Jayeez( acceptable)
for any man to express pleasant”-Saying so is strictly kufri. The
speakers should beg pardon and forgiveness for saying that. Allah Pak
became pleased because of the Habbeb of Allah Pak sallallahu Allahi wa
sallam  went to his deedar and Habeeb of Allah Pak also became
pleased. We also have matters to be plaeased.
Someone says that if a people dies (takes fare well from here) we have
to mourn for him. There are some people of wrong Majhab, followers of
wrong way and wrong faith who says that we have to mourn for the
Intikel (physical death) of a men so how we can be pleased for drawing
cartain of  Habeebullah Huzur Pak  Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam from
This is a devil’s trick of them. The devil tricks one and if he failed
he tricks another. He raises question one after another when one after
another answer is given.So it is a word of their devils trick: “As we
have to mourn for one’s physical death (Intikal). So how we can
express happiness for this (for Beesaal Shareef of Habeebullah Huzur
Pak Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam).
Those who are stupid and ignorant of the highest scale (Ashadaduj
Jahil) They have the lack of knowledge and understanding. They have
the killatul Ilm and Killatul Faham, they don’t know the Masaalaa of
Shariat that if a man dies we can mourn only three days for him if he
is our relative. It is indicated in kitab of Fiqh
 If a man is our relative we can mourn only three days for him
excepting wife for husband. A wife will mourn four month and ten days
for her husband if he dies physically (takes untikal). This ahkaam
(rule)is only for civil man to express their sorrows. But the subject
of Nabee and Rasool Alaihimus Salam is not related to this. The
Beeladat and Beesal (coming and going) of Nabee and Rasool Alaihimus
Salaam both are the reason of Rahmat and Barkat (grace and blessing).
We can prove if from the Quran Shareef Allah Pak made Irshad about
Hazrat Iahyeah Alaihis
Allah Pak made Irshad that Salam, Rahmat, Barkat and sakinah upon him
(Yaoma Ulida) on that day he came on the Earth.  (WA YAOMA YAMUTU)
And that day when he went to meet with Allah Pak. (WA YAOMA YABASU
HAIYA)  and that day when he will be reawakened. He will be reawakened
in the field of Hashar again Salam, Rahmat,Barkat, Sakinah, blessing
upon him on that day also. In the same way Hazrad IIssa Alaihis Salam
said about himself that the ahkam of Nabee and Rasool Alaihimus Salam
AABASU HAIYAA). He says himself that behold the Ahkam of Nabee-Rasool
Alihimus Salaam is separate(ASSALAMU ALAIYAA YAOMA ULIDTU) hazrat IIsa
Alaihimus Salam says, Salam, Rahmat Barakat to me on that day when I
came(WA YAOMA AMUTU)and on that day when I will go to meet with Allah
Pak.( WA YAOMA AABASU HAIYAA) And Salam, Rahmat, Barakat to me again
on that day when I will be reawakened. Everyday Salam, Rahmat, Barakat
and sakinah for Nabee–Rasool Alihimus Salam in all situations.
So if the coming, going and reawakening day of Hazrat Iahyia Alaihis
Salaam and Hazrat IIsa Alaihis Salaam is the reason of Salaam, Rahmat,
Barkat and Sakinah then what would be about the  Saiyidul Mursalin,
Imamul Mursalin  Habeebullah Huzur Pak  Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam
whose Ummat is  Hazrat Iahyia Alaihis Salaam, Hazrat IIsa Alaihis
Salaam and all Nabee-Rasool Alaihis Salaam. Hazrat IIsa Alaihis Salaam
will come in the ending time to help Hazrat Imam Mahdee Alaihis
Salaam, to kill the Dazzal and to establish Khilafut all over the
world as the Ummat of Saiyidul Mursalin, Imamul Mursalin  Habeebullah
Huzur Pak  Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam. Hazrat IIsa Alihis Salaam is
the Ummat of Saiyidul Mursalin, Imamul Mursalin Habeebullah Huzur pak
sallallahu Allahi wa sallam. So now if his coming, going and awakening
also us the reason of Rahmat, Rarkat and Sakinah than what would be
the coming and Beesal Shareef (going day) of Saiyidul Mursalin, Imamul
Mursalin Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam. It will be
reason of countless Rahmat, Barkat and Sakinah. Saiyidul Mursalin,
Imamul Mursalin, Habeebullah Huzur Pak Sallallahu Allahi wa Sallam
“My staying here is Barkat for you. And my going is also Barkat for
you. Nothing is vacant from Rahmat (SubhanAllah).

Please check:1,www.al-ihsan.net
2,noorun alaa noor,voice room at paltalk/beylux
3,sabuj bansla blog
4,monthly al baiyinaat



বিদেশের খবর - ৩ নভেম্বর, ২০১১
সাইয়্যিদুল মুরসালীন, ইমামুল মুরসালীন, নূরে মুজাসসাম, হাবীবুল্লাহ হুযূর
পাক ছল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি
ওয়া সাল্লাম উনার মুবারক শানে বেয়াদবি
ফ্রান্সের বিতর্কিত ম্যাগাজিন অফিস আগুন দিয়ে পুড়িয়ে দিয়েছে ধর্মপ্রাণ মুসলমানরা
আল ইহসান ডেস্ক:

সাইয়্যিদুল মুরসালিন, ইমামুল মুরসালিন, নূরে মুজাসসাম, হাবীবুল্লাহ হুযূর
পাক ছল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম উনার মুবারক শানে বেয়াদপি করে
ফ্রান্সের বির্তকিত ম্যাগাজিন সার্লি হিবদোর তাদের পরবর্তী সংখ্যার
প্রধান সম্পাদক হিসেবে উনার নাম মুবারক প্রকাশ করেছে। (নাউযুবিল্লাহ)
এরপর আর চুপ করে বসে থাকল না ধর্মপ্রাণ মুসলমানরা। গত মঙ্গলবার
পেট্রোলবোমা ছুঁড়ে ও আগুন দিয়ে তারা গুড়িয়ে দিয়েছে ঐ ম্যাগাজিনের
কার্যালয়ে। ফ্রান্স পুলিশের উদ্ধৃতি দিয়ে বিবিসি এ খবর প্রচার করেছে।
খবরে বলা হয়, ম্যাগাজিনটি তাদের পরবর্তী সংখ্যার প্রধান সম্পাদক হিসেবে
সাইয়্যিদুল মুরসালিন, ইমামুল মুরসালিন,
নূরে মুজাসসাম, হাবীবুল্লাহ হুযূর পাক ছল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম
উনার মুবারক উল্লেখ করে। ম্যাগাজিনটি কাভার পেইজটি ব্যাঙ্গ করে কার্টূন
এবং অশালিন মন্তব্য দিয়ে তৈরি করেছিল। (নাউযুবিল্লাহ) এ ঘটনার পরদিন
সার্লি হিবদোর কার্যালয়ে এ হামলা হয়।
হামলার পর পত্রিকাটির সম্পাদক বলেছে, ‘আমাদের আর পত্রিকা নেই। আমাদের সব
কিছু ধ্বংস হয়ে গেছে।’ পুলিশ জানিয়েছে, ম্যাগাজিনটির কার্যালয়ে ককটেল
নিক্ষেপ করে বিক্ষুব্ধ জনতা। এতে ম্যাগাজিন কার্যালয়ে থাকা বেশির ভাগ
আসবাবপত্র ও সরঞ্জাম ধ্বংস হয়ে গেছে। এ ঘটনায় হতাহতের খবর পাওয়া যায়নি।
ম্যাগাজিনটির ওয়েবসাইটও হ্যাক করা হয়েছে। বিতর্কিত ম্যাগাজিনটি এর আগেও
ড্যানিশ পত্রিকায় প্রকাশিত একটি ব্যঙ্গাত্মক কার্টুন পুনর্মুদ্রণ করেছিল।
যার কারণে সারা বিশ্বের মুসলমানদের সমালোচনার মুখে পড়তে হয়েছিল তাদের।

সম্পাদক: আল্লামা মুহম্মদ মাহবুব আলম
অফিস: ৫, আউটার সারকুলার রোড, রাজারবাগ, ঢাকা -১২১৭, বাংলাদেশ।
ফোন: +৮৮-০১৭১৬৮৮১৫৫১, +৮৮-০২-৮৩১৭০১৯, ৮৩১৪৮৪৮, ৮৩১৬৯৫৮; ফ্যাক্স: ৯৩৩৮৭৮৮
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