Wait a minute guys, I have been using netscape for over ten years, been through
every version and I have never been invaded by repeated or even a single icon
appearing on my display, tool bar, or bookmarks that I did not put there myself.
I use Norton's Anti Virus and have never had a virus get past it.  What I get
usually is a popup window like the ones you get when you go the Golf Channel site
with its advertising.  I seriously doubt that it is the fault of someone's

Another Happy Linux User wrote:

> Hi,
> Maybe you might not really want to hear it, - but that kind of problem is
> *exactly* why I preach to n*not* let your browser use javascript.  That is
> what these basxxxds use to "get into" your machine.  Viruses/worms can be
> installed remotely the same way.
> But then, - I don't want to be an "alarmist"....   :o)
> Just intended as a little insight....
> Cheers Jents,
> Jorgen
> ps, -
> Sorry to hear of your troubles.  There is a possability you may need to go
> into the registry to "finish" removing "it".    - Or not...
> Like you said, - if you got most of it, - it can't run.
> =============================================
> On Monday 03 February 2003 11:33 am, tflan wrote:
> > Yeah, maybe so, but it pisses me off that I can't get rid of it. Every part
> > of the thing, whatever the hell it is, is gone from the computer. I was on
> > drugstore.com site a couple days ago and the screen flickered, and a
> > warning came up. "Danger" or something like that. I didn't pay much
> > attention to it until I got off line. Then I see a shortcut to some
> > friggin' porno site on my screen, and another thing on the tool bar. I
> > clicked on the toolbar thing and the modem went into action. I shut the
> > computer down instantly and rebooted. I dragged the shortcut to the
> > wastebasket and went to msconfig/startup. There, on the startup menu was
> > this .exe file. I unchecked it and started a folder search. Found one
> > called "dial up" or something like that. Deleted it. Rebooted. Did another
> > search for any combination of words in the startup menu. Couldn't find
> > another instance of it, but its still on the startup page. I realize it
> > can't run since everything assoctiated with it has been deleted, but it
> > still pisses me off.
> >
> > This "thing" got on my machine in less than a couple of seconds. It isn't a
> > virus. Norton's latest updates scanned the computer and found nothing. I
> > don't know what a "trojan" is - a virus, I suppose, but this .exe file sure
> > got on my machine in a big hurry.
> >
> > TFlan
> >
> >   ----- Original Message -----
> >   From: Corey Bailey
> >   Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 8:36 PM
> >   Subject: Re: ShopTalk: Computer, not golf
> >
> >
> >   Once you have un-checked the box in front of the line of copy, that
> > command is no longer loaded. If just having the unused command line there
> > still bothers you, you should see the clutter left in your registry.
> >
> >   You can always have Norton System Works (or like software) clean up your
> > registry but, as far as I know, you aint gonna get rid of that line in your
> > start up menu anytime soon.
> >
> >   Besides, you got better things to do with your time that is left than
> > worry about dust bunnies in your start up menu.
> >
> >   CB
> >
> >   At 05:40 PM 2/2/2003 -0800, you wrote:
> >
> >     HI;
> >
> >     Got a problem. Maybe a windows guru can help. I have a line of typing
> > on my startup menu I want to get rid of. This isn't the "Start" button at
> > the bottom of the tool bar. Its the one I get when I type
> > "run/msconfig/startup" I've removed the program from the computer, I've run
> > every "find" function I can think of, and I've unchecked the box at the
> > head of the line of print. I want to get rid of the printed line as well.
> > I've tried highlighting and deleting but it doesn't do anything.
> >
> >     How can I get rid of this line of type?
> >
> >     TIA
> >
> >     TFlan

Tom and Donna Mason
Athens, Texas
ICQ #1294190

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