At 08:02 PM 8/28/03 -0400, Bernie Baymiller wrote:
Believe you have it right, Arnie. Plus I'd bet a more porous alloy material sucks up the cutting oil more than the stainless.

Makes a lot of sense. And cutting oil WILL prevent epoxy from getting a good grip.

The only stuff that seems to loosen my heads now (once or twice every couple of years) is ... using epoxy over a year and a half old...dumb, dumb...I just forget when I got the stuff.

I do a couple of things to avoid this:
(1) Mark the date I receive it with a waterproof Sharpie, right on the plastic bottle, the day I receive it.
(2) Buy from a large-volume supplier (like Dynacraft or Golfsmith). The date you record is when you RECEIVED it, not when it was made. I believe (can't prove it though) that the larger volume supplier has probably not had it on the shelf as long.


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