I told the wife about your post and mentioned how you were mellowing in your older age. I then went out to look at the planets. Well ya got me. I saw the planets, ... only all of mine had red flashing lights on them. You are the rascal Big Guy. ;-)


At 09:13 PM 3/22/2004, you wrote:
Went for a walk tonight with my son and the lovely one and noticed a few bright planets visible to the naked eye...thought it was unusual and went to the Nasa site and turns out it's a fairly unusual alignment of 5 planets and the moon that won't be back for 30 some odd years in the night sky.
Check it out at
For some reason this stuff sends me for a loop (I just recovered from that comet that blazed across the sky 6 or 7 years ago).
I'll go back to staring at my navel, now.


John Muir

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