Steve Martin invented those in the movie "The Jerk". There's a pic of Tflan and what happens when you wear them at about frame 1:41 here
There's a great line from some comedian; "I joined a local fitness club - remained a member for 3 years. It didn't do a thing for me. Apparently you have to go there".

As for putting trainers, like every golfer I've known, I made or bought a lot of them. I found one that works pretty well for alignment/stroke. It's a device you wear like eyeglasses. The "sight picture" consists of horizontal and vertical lines. You stand so that the ball is exactly between the horizontal and vertical lines and you bring the putter back and through the "box" between the lines. That's all. Simple.

Mr. Devino rants that most golfers "suck" because they don't practice or don't have the physical prowess to perform successfully. One could argue that but there's no point. However, virtually anybody can learn to putt a golf ball on line.

All the methods and devices discussed here lack a couple points; in order to bring the putter away and through the ball, you have to have your eyes directly over the ball. Certainly there are exceptions on tour but in the main, square contact comes from proper postiong. The second issue is alignment to the target. Nicklaus - clearly a great putter, Woods, Mickleson, et al, do the same thing. Find a spot a few inches ahead of the ball on the target line, and hit the ball to that spot. All putts become "straight putts" if you're only hitting it to a spot 6" away.

I guess I tried a dozen ways to putt; "close your eyes, close your 'front eye', look at the hole, look for a negative image of where the ball was, look at the front of the ball, set the putter a few inches away from the ball, hit the ball 18" past the hole, die the ball into the hole, slam short putts into the back of the hole, line up a string (can't do that on the course), set a ring of tees 360 deg around the hole and make fifty 3 footers" (betcha can't do it). The list goes on. However, proper set up - eyes directly over the ball, and hitting to a spot - "spot putting", worked for Nicklaus et al and it works for anyone who believes in it.

 Which brings me to...
 I go to a lot of yard sales. I see so much fitness equipment on sale.
 The overweight, not-very-fit person running the sale always says,
 "Well it didn't do me any good." Hey, OWNING it doesn't make you fit,
 you have to USE it. A LOT! And that is every bit as true for golf
 training aids.


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John Muir

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