Andrew Suffield wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 09:46:20AM -0800, Tom Eastep wrote:
>> ursa:~ # iptables -L foo
>> Chain foo (0 references)
>> target     prot opt source               destination
>> bar        all  --  anywhere             anywhere
>> ursa:~ # iptables -E bar baz
>> ursa:~ # iptables -L foo
>> Chain foo (0 references)
>> target     prot opt source               destination
>> baz        all  --  anywhere             anywhere
>> ursa:~ #
> Which is why it's not useful here - it has no effect on the structure,
> it just changes the name, so it cannot be used as an
> atomic-insert-of-many-rules. The necessary feature would be a 'swap
> chains' command, that replaced all references to one existing chain
> with references to another existing chain (not that I'm advocating
> it).

It is useful -- just not as useful as it might be.

If I have chain foo with a jump to bar and I want to replace bar, then I

a) create baz as replacement for bar
b) populate baz
c) Insert jump to baz just before existing jump to bar (with same predicates
as the existing jump)
d) delete existing jump to bar
e) flush bar
f) delete bar
g) rename baz to bar

If I could atomically swap bar and baz, I could omit steps c and d and would
not have a small window where packets might go through both bar and baz.

Tom Eastep    \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
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