Brian J. Murrell wrote:

> OpenWRT != Debian.  It handles interfaces in a completely different
> manner.

The feature is implemented in a completely distribution-neutral way (it uses
the same logic to determine when an interface is up as is used in testing if
an optional interface is usable).

> Those are all valid points which I won't argue with.  The only thing I'd
> say for the last point is that the process of restore could be:
> - restore interface agnostic bits
> - for each interface_up; do
>     restore interface specifics
>   done

And how do you tell iptables-save/iptables-restore what the
interface-agnostic bits are? You can't, so you end up having to write your
own iptables-save -- in Bourne shell.

> The other major pain with multiple interfaces and Shorewall is the
> handling of default routes.

<rest of rant omitted>

The issue here is that the Shorewall Multi-ISP feature is a hack to work
around the fact that many Shorewall users are cheap and try to use a pair of
consumer-grade uplinks (often with dynamic IP addresses) to effect a
fault-tolerant solution. The problem of maintaining accurate routing tables
in the face of changing network topology is effectively solved through the
use of interior gateway routing protocols but the consumer-grade services
employed by most Shorewall users don't offer support for such protocols.

-Tom (who must get to his real job now)
Tom Eastep    \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline,     \
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