
Say eth0 is connected to the Internet and eth1 is a trunk port connected
to a managed switch. Everything on that switch can be regarded to be a
member of the "loc" zone.

The other hosts are a member of one VLAN. They have arbitrary IP
addresses, outside of eth0's subnet. So, for example we have:

fw ifname  their IP     Intended use
eth0       194.109.x.1  Internet uplink
eth1.10    200.10.xx.5  HTTP server
eth1.11    201.61.x.21  Email server
eth1.12    80.214.xx.9  FTP server

The IPs (intentionally bogus), together with proxyarp, makes the
clients' internet configuration easier because e.g. http could now just
specify 200.10.xx.254 as its gateway and Shorewall would answer the arp

Anyway. I would like to know whether the following configuration is


fw        ipv4
inet      ipv4
loc       ipv4
http:loc  ipv4
mail:loc  ipv4
ftp:loc   ipv4

inet  eth0
loc   eth1
http  eth1.10
mail  eth1.11
ftp   eth1.12

fw   all  ACCEPT
all  all  DROP:info

DROP    inet  all   icmp  8
ACCEPT  inet  loc   icmp
ACCEPT  inet  http  tcp   80,443
ACCEPT  inet  ftp   tcp   20,21

and so on.

If this is valid then as you can see it would allow me to have shared
rules for the parent (loc) e.g. drop ICMP echo request from inet to
loc, and specific rules for child zones. But I'm not sure if this is
valid - eth1 is not the same as eth1.10, right? Or is there a better
way to do the above?

Mark van Dijk.                ,---------------------------------
-----------------------------'         Fri Aug 31 16:14 UTC 2012
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