So every time a system gets rooted, the best thing to do is start fresh either 
with a replacement device or a clean install?

Have a great weekend,


-----Original Message-----
From: Roberto C. Sánchez [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Shorewall-users] Blacklist/Block Apps

On Sat, Feb 08, 2014 at 04:31:13PM +0000, Donald S. Doyle wrote:
> How do I prevent being rooted?
That question is exceptionally difficult to answer.  It depends on many 
different things.

First, you can block all inbound traffic.  If you have any services running, 
then you need to make sure that they are properly secured.  If you have 
anything open to the Internet (like a webserver) you need to make sure that t 
is properly secured.  Even if you have something like Apache properly secured, 
any applications (e.g., CGI, PHP, etc.) that you have being served by it could 
be vulnerable.

For example, many popular forum and bulletin board packages have many well 
known vulnerabilities.  If you are running things you developed yourself, you 
need to make sure that you don't have places where a SQL injection can be 
performed, or where shellcode can be introduced, etc.

That is just a small sampling of things that could be possible issues.
There are just too many to list them all.

Another approach is to wipe the system clean, install it fresh and completely 
lock it down.  Then add applications/services one at a time, making certain 
that each one is properly configured/secured/etc.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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