On 1/29/2018 5:36 PM, Bernard Drozd wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new in the firewalls.
> I'm trying to set up Shorewall on the newest testing ubuntu server 17.10
> in the most common configuration as firewall with two interfaces  (and
> WIFI).
> http://shorewall.org/two-interface.htm

From what you describe below you should maybe use:


> Unfortunately routing doesn't work...

Shorewall in it self does not do routing:


> I've tried  several different settings in my /etc/shorewall/snat
> configuration file unfortunately without success.

What did you try and what do you want?

> I receive IP address from my ISP (which is seen from the

Is the ip on the wan interface?

> Internet/outside as 46.xxx.xxx.xxx public address.
> I use tree network interfaces defined as static in the /etc/netplan
> directory.
> WAN: enp1s0
> LAN: enp3s0f1
> WLAN: wlp4s0
> I use isc-dhcp-server  for LAN and WLAN and unbound  package for WAN.
> Currently Shorewall service is disabled (and firewall/routing rules are
j> defined in the /etc/network/if-up.d/firewall file) but I would like to
> try Shorewall.

See above for Shorewall and routing.
You may want to disable any other firewall before starting Shorewall.

> Please help me to set up routing in the Sharewall.
> Using SSH please log on my testing machine and correct Shorewall settings.

Setting up Shorewall for the first time requires local access incase you
lose ssh access.

Matt Darfeuille

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