On 2013-04-01 14:37, John Curran wrote:

The present equivalent for the RIRs would be LEO's engaging in orders
to change the address holder associated with an IP block, and I am
happy to say that (at least in ARIN's case) that we have not seen any
such requests to date.

That's intuitive given that RIRs don't have an operational role in connectivity today. E.g., you can do whatever you want, operators don't need you to route stuff. The crux is that RPKI will change that.

We do work extremely well with law enforcement,
but relations are predominantly focused on obtaining information for
various investigations. ARIN serves more than 25 different countries,
and as much as possible expects to see LEO requests to involve LEA in
the country of the resource holder except in extremis cases. An actual uncoordinated LEO order to change a registrant on an IP block could be rather problematic; there is some chance that I would end up needing a
toothbrush and good reading material depending on the country of the
registrant & nature of the circumstances.

Heh.. We receive hundreds of court orders (many sealed) a year involving literally thousands of domain names (and varying actions) and the registrars, registrants, and resources to which they map are all over the globe. It's not something we're particularly fond of for an array of reasons, as you can imagine, but we usually don't have any choice. Fortunately, RPKI will provide them a more effective alternative ;-)



John Curran
President and CEO

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