I guess one question here is the purpose of publishing this document:

a) If the purpose of asking the WG to publish is a hope that the WG
   will agree that this is a good idea, then I'm with Randy and Steve
   in the "hell no" camp.

b) If the purpose is to document something that the RIRs have
   unilaterally decided to do whether the IETF likes it or not, I
   guess we should thank them for documenting their intentions, and
   publish it with a big IETF / IESG disclaimer saying that it's a
   really bad idea but not something the IETF can prevent.  I suppose
   we could refuse to publish entirely in this case, but suspect that
   just makes it harder for newcomers to understand what happened.

My understanding was that we were already well into case (b) territory.

Carlos et al, please correct me if I'm wrong and the RIRs are willing
to back down on this.

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