> On 07 Sep 2016, at 16:42, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 12:07 AM, Rob Austein <s...@hactrn.net 
> <mailto:s...@hactrn.net>> wrote:
> At Tue, 6 Sep 2016 22:48:07 -0400, Christopher Morrow wrote:
> >
> > (note, I do not care for this message about politics)
> Understood, with the caveat that since it's the politics which are
> pushing the wrong technical solution here, any technical discussion
> will loop back to politics as soon as one asks "why?"
> totally agree/understand.
> > we're here because, I think, from the top down to the RIR there isn't a
> > hierarchy being created, right? the RIR folk are saying: "Ok, you all want
> > this thing, but upstairs hasn't created the root, so we're going to do the
> > best we can with making a root each that allows us to xfer between RIRs.
> > This is how it's being done, so you have some docs about the mechanics
> > involved and can build/guide from there"
> >
> > is that not the case? (again, I don't care about the politics)
> I'm ignoring "upstairs", because that is also political.
> yes, sorry I was trying to not point fingers at particular people/things :(
> Stripped of the politics, we're having this conversation because the
> RIRs are proposing to operate five roots instead of one, with each
> root allowed to claim ownership over the known universe, because
> actually coordinating with each other is Too Hard.  Or maybe it's more
> than five, some of the RIRs have extra roots just for fun, but let's
> take it as given for now that they'll collapse back down to five.
> ok
> The problem with multiple global RPKI roots, as KC Claffy put it
> rather neatly many years ago, is that it pushes responsibility for
> fixing RIR coordination mistakes (which the RIRs apparently believe
> are a serious issue, as evidenced by the draft under discussion) onto
> the relying parties rather than forcing the RIRs to fix those issues
> on the CA side.  This is technically broken.
> I think it means that since there is no single root coming 'soon', the RIR's 
> are taking a step to move forward with rpki despite the 'no single root' 
> existing. Ideally they would have a method to keep from being out of sync in 
> their processing of requests/changes. Ideally that process would be outlined 
> in the document here so we'd be able to say: "Ok, as the rpki lives on, how 
> does X and Y and Z get done? what happens at X step 3 when Carlos decides to 
> take a very long lunch? how does the process move along? what checks/balances 
> are there?"
> That's the part that you're referring to as KC's comment, I think?
> Generating a single RPKI root is not hard.  It can be done by a cron
> job.  I ran one for years, for experimental purposes, entirely from
> data already available to the RIRs.  The only real issue is which
> database to believe when they disagree -- which is exactly the problem
> the RIRs are trying to push onto the RPs with this document.
> I don't disagree that running a CA is 'simple'... I think though that if the 
> RIRs are in a position where there won't be a single root above them 'for a 
> while' (it's been ~10 yrs at this point) but they feel they need to move 
> forward with something, is this direction acceptable? is it better to 
> document that decision and it's gotchas than to not move forward at all? or 
> to 'continue waiting for the single root' to arrive?


fully agree, the intent is to provide unity and transparency on how the RIRs 
handle their respective trust anchors at this stage


> Which brings us back to bad technical decisions and political reasons.
> Sorry.
> yup.
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