OK. I will try to prepare a detailed SIESTA-PHON tutorial at this weekend.

2010/7/28 Marcos Veríssimo Alves <marcos.verissimo.al...@gmail.com>

> Mehmet,
> Please do share the knowledge. It is alwayfs useful, especislly because the
> calculation of phonons is always of interest. I for one would be very much
> interested in knowing how to use Dario's code in conjunction with Siesta.
> Cheers,
> Marcos
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Mehmet Topsakal <
> topsa...@unam.bilkent.edu.tr> wrote:
>> Dear Jusar,
>> I have obtained the attached phonon spectrum in 2 hours by using
>> 8-cpu-core. The supercell is 5x5x1 and the MeshCutoff is 300 Ry. I have used
>> Dario Alfè's phon program. Because I'm not familiar with siesta utilities
>> such as FCBUILD and VIBRA. Phon only needs forces which can be calculated by
>> other programs such as VASP and PWSCF.
>> I can prepare a nice and detaied phon tutorial where the forces are
>> calculated by SIESTA if you (or others) want.
>> Mehmet.
>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 11:46 AM, Juzar Thingna <juza...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Thank you Prof. Postnikov and Mehmet for your quick responses. Here are a
>>> few observations.
>>> After Mehmets comment on increasing the Mesh cut-off I set it to 800 Ry I
>>> still observed negative part but the magnitude has reduced. Sorry I didn't
>>> know one had to go to such high cut-offs to observe a change, earlier I was
>>> trying cut-offs from 200-500 and there were no changes (or maybe changes
>>> that were not very distinguishable).
>>> I'm currently trying Prof. Postnikov solution of increasing the
>>> super-cell size. Now I have set SuperCell_1 = 5; SuperCell_1 = 5;
>>> SuperCell_1 = 1. Increasing the supercell size has drastically increased the
>>> computation time (as expected) so I guess it will take a long time to get
>>> over.
>>> Is there a way to increase the SuperCell size but not affect the
>>> computation time drastically?
>>> Regards,
>>> Juzar Thingna
>>> Department of Physics,
>>> Center for Computation Science and Engineering,
>>> National University of Singapore.
>>> On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 5:42 PM, <apost...@uni-osnabrueck.de> wrote:
>>>> > Hi,
>>>> > Thank you Prof. Postnikov and Mehmet for your quick replies.
>>>> >
>>>> > I do get 3 acoustic modes and 3 optical modes as I should since I just
>>>> > have
>>>> > a 2 point basis.
>>>> > The problem is that one of the acoustic mode starts from zero and goes
>>>> > negative immediately (Graph attached). I have tried increasing the
>>>> mesh
>>>> > cut-off as well as optimized the structure using CG. But still I get
>>>> the
>>>> > same behavior.
>>>> Dear Juzar,
>>>> then it is clear. (You should have described your problem
>>>> more precisely in the first place, to save some guess work).
>>>> The trouble is due to
>>>> insufficient supercell size in your VIBRA calculation.
>>>> In other words, the force constants
>>>> are not sufficiently converged in real space. You need to construct
>>>> a larger supercell, using FCBUILD, then rerun VIBRA.
>>>> > @ Prof. Postnikov: Sir you mentioned "Go search for a better
>>>> equilibrium.
>>>> > Use eigenvectors of instable modes as a guide." Please could you
>>>> elaborate
>>>> > on how to use the eigen vectors of the instable mode as a guide?
>>>> Seemingly, this is not your problem here.
>>>> However, you may have a look in the following talk
>>>> http://www.home.uni-osnabrueck.de/apostnik/Lectures/APostnikov-Phonons.pdf
>>>> - your problem is addressed in pp.18-20.
>>>> Good luck
>>>> Andrei Postnikov
>> --
>> Mehmet Topsakal  (Ph.D. Student)
>> UNAM-Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology.
>> Bilkent University. 06800 Bilkent, Ankara/Türkiye
>> Tel: 0090 312 290 3527 ; Fax: 0090 312 266 4365
>> UNAM-web  : www.nano.org.tr


Mehmet Topsakal  (Ph.D. Student)
UNAM-Institute of Materials Science and Nanotechnology.
Bilkent University. 06800 Bilkent, Ankara/Türkiye
Tel: 0090 312 290 3527 ; Fax: 0090 312 266 4365
UNAM-web  : www.nano.org.tr

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