Dear Andy and SIG members,

I'm very sorry to hear your resignation, but I would like to express our
appreciation for your service, in particular for last 3 years as Policy SIG
Chair and NRO NC, on behalf of the community.

SIG members>
Please join me in thanking Andy for his great chairmanship and excellent
cooperation work.

Masato Yamanishi
Policy SIG co-chair

Sep 19, 2014 10:18 PM、Andy Linton <> のメッセージ:

I've decided to stand down as chair of the APNIC Policy SIG. I'm doing this
for a number of reasons which I'll go into in this mail. I was not able to
attend APNIC38 as I am currently in the UK but to be honest even if I'd
been in New Zealand I'm not sure that I would have made the trip to

Several meetings ago Randy Bush put a proposal in front of the Policy SIG
suggesting that the time had come to abandon the making of policy in the
current form. I chaired the session that discussed this matter. We had a
session which ended in confusion and acrimony and the debate ended at that

I will say that while Randy and I disagreed over the mechanism of how to
disband/radically change the current process, I am in full support of the
core idea proposed in prop-103. I believe the current process is failing
the community and it should be wound up and replaced with some other

At APNIC38, my colleague Masato Yamanashi was returned unopposed as
co-chair and I am confident that he will handle the role of Chair until the
meeting in Fukuoka next February where the community can decide if they
want to continue with the current mechanism or not. My resignation now will
give plenty of time for any debate on this.

I believe that we are now at the stage where we are having a face to face
meeting of the Policy SIG mainly to validate the legitimacy of having a
meeting of APNIC every six months. There's little of substance that
couldn't be discussed on line and there are very few people taking part in
debate on address policy because there is really very little to discuss.

I believe that APNIC's job is and should continue to be a registry with a
lightweight structure. I believe APNIC has changed into a quasi political
body that spends vast amounts of time and money travelling to Internet
Governance meetings where they meet other similar entities and they all
tell each other what a fabulous job they're doing of governing the

You may agree with them doing that - that's fine. I don't and I think it's
time for me to step aside and let them get on with it. You could say I
should stay and help to try to fix things but I simply don't have the time
or enthusiasm.

I can do no better that quote from a paper from Milton Mueller: Stewardship
and the Management of Internet Protocol Addresses ( I don't
agree with everything Mueller says but this encapsulates the problem very

"But here we face the exact same problem as before: all reforms in IP
address governance structure must come from the RIRs themselves. The ASO of
ICANN is nothing more than the NRO, and the NRO is nothing more than a
combination of the staff and CEOs of the RIRs. And why would the RIRs
initiate or institute reforms that would put themselves out of business?
The RIRs have many merits as organizations, but they are also quite
entrenched, with tens of millions of dollars in annual revenues, a growing
number of jobs, and an important place for their managers in the overall
Internet governance regime. If this structure is to be dramatically
changed, the impetus will not and cannot come from the RIRs themselves."

I'd like to thank all those in the community who I've worked with over the
years. I count very many of you as friends and I'm sure we'll catch up
sometime in the future.


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