
First: +1 to what you have said below, except.

In the past (rapidly becoming the distant past), Randy provided a lot of 
service to this and several other internet communities. He was a talented 
engineer and helped to solve many problems. There was a time when his 
commitment to the community matched his arrogance, pessimism, and hostility. 
Sadly, it seems that all that is left is the arrogance, pessimism, and 

I was never Randy's greatest fan and he was certainly never mine. However, I do 
think it is important to recognize the contributions he has made, in spite of 
his best efforts to obscure them behind his current behavior.


On Sep 20, 2014, at 04:20 , Masato Yamanishi <> wrote:

> Dear Andy and SIG members,
> I'm very sorry to hear your resignation, but I would like to express our 
> appreciation for your service, in particular for last 3 years as Policy SIG 
> Chair and NRO NC, on behalf of the community.
> SIG members>
> Please join me in thanking Andy for his great chairmanship and excellent 
> cooperation work.
> Masato Yamanishi
> Policy SIG co-chair
> Sep 19, 2014 10:18 PM、Andy Linton <> のメッセージ:
>> I've decided to stand down as chair of the APNIC Policy SIG. I'm doing this 
>> for a number of reasons which I'll go into in this mail. I was not able to 
>> attend APNIC38 as I am currently in the UK but to be honest even if I'd been 
>> in New Zealand I'm not sure that I would have made the trip to Brisbane.
>> Several meetings ago Randy Bush put a proposal in front of the Policy SIG 
>> suggesting that the time had come to abandon the making of policy in the 
>> current form. I chaired the session that discussed this matter. We had a 
>> session which ended in confusion and acrimony and the debate ended at that 
>> point. 
>> I will say that while Randy and I disagreed over the mechanism of how to 
>> disband/radically change the current process, I am in full support of the 
>> core idea proposed in prop-103. I believe the current process is failing the 
>> community and it should be wound up and replaced with some other mechanism.
>> At APNIC38, my colleague Masato Yamanashi was returned unopposed as co-chair 
>> and I am confident that he will handle the role of Chair until the meeting 
>> in Fukuoka next February where the community can decide if they want to 
>> continue with the current mechanism or not. My resignation now will give 
>> plenty of time for any debate on this.
>> I believe that we are now at the stage where we are having a face to face 
>> meeting of the Policy SIG mainly to validate the legitimacy of having a 
>> meeting of APNIC every six months. There's little of substance that couldn't 
>> be discussed on line and there are very few people taking part in debate on 
>> address policy because there is really very little to discuss.
>> I believe that APNIC's job is and should continue to be a registry with a 
>> lightweight structure. I believe APNIC has changed into a quasi political 
>> body that spends vast amounts of time and money travelling to Internet 
>> Governance meetings where they meet other similar entities and they all tell 
>> each other what a fabulous job they're doing of governing the Internet. 
>> You may agree with them doing that - that's fine. I don't and I think it's 
>> time for me to step aside and let them get on with it. You could say I 
>> should stay and help to try to fix things but I simply don't have the time 
>> or enthusiasm.
>> I can do no better that quote from a paper from Milton Mueller: Stewardship 
>> and the Management of Internet Protocol Addresses 
>> ( I don't 
>> agree with everything Mueller says but this encapsulates the problem very 
>> well:
>> "But here we face the exact same problem as before: all reforms in IP 
>> address governance structure must come from the RIRs themselves. The ASO of 
>> ICANN is nothing more than the NRO, and the NRO is nothing more than a 
>> combination of the staff and CEOs of the RIRs. And why would the RIRs 
>> initiate or institute reforms that would put themselves out of business? The 
>> RIRs have many merits as organizations, but they are also quite entrenched, 
>> with tens of millions of dollars in annual revenues, a growing number of 
>> jobs, and an important place for their managers in the overall Internet 
>> governance regime. If this structure is to be dramatically changed, the 
>> impetus will not and cannot come from the RIRs themselves."
>> I'd like to thank all those in the community who I've worked with over the 
>> years. I count very many of you as friends and I'm sure we'll catch up 
>> sometime in the future.
>> andy
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