Hi everyone,

I don't think I've given you a proper intro, so here goes.

I'm the MD and co-founder of Cleartext. We're a very small (providing services to about 200 businesses) email and IM (XMPP) SaaS company, providing hosting, archiving, spam and virus filtering and business continuity services. We came out of MessageLabs and Symantec.

We also do a bit of work in the collaboration and social networking space by representing Jive Software in Australia. For example providing Jive Forums to Lonely Planet and Network Ten (for Idol, BB, Dance etc)  and Clearspace to large enterprise clients like telco's and some Gov departments.

I've been on the board of the IIA (Internet Industry Association) for 5 years. We're a lobby group working 'with' the government on issues like the Spam Act, Copyright act, national broadband and filtering issues. Some of the co-regulatory polices in place today came out of the IIA's work with Federal Government.

I'm also the Chairman of the XSF (XMPP Standards Foundation), an international body based in the US that oversees this protocol (via the IETF) and it's extensions. Many of you will know XMPP as Jabber, the IM system, but also that it's much more than just IM. 

Oh, I'm also a tarmac rally nut, done Targa Tasmania several times :)



David Banes
Director & CEO, Cleartext
Director & Secretary, Internet Industry Association
Director & Chairman, XMPP Standards Foundation

- Cleartext is Carbon Minimised -

On 23/01/2009, at 5:07 PM, Andrew Boyd wrote:

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Elias Bizannes <elias.bizan...@gmail.com> wrote:
When I created this mailing list, I only had one rule: you had to introduce yourself. I hate rules, so haven't enforced it, but maybe it's time we did because *a lot* of people lurk (evidenced by Tweeter commentary).

Email Filtering by Cleartext a Carbon Minimised company - www.cleartext.com

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