Couldn't agree more. We should not be trying to recreate Silicon
Valley in Australia- we should be trying to make something better.
We're supposed to be innovators! Silicon Valley has been done. If you
really want that culture, you can go there. Personally, the idea of
building to flip makes me want to flip off a building. Here in Aus I
think we have a great opportunity to do something new. So lets get in
as many rooms in as many places as possible and make it happen. I'll
do my part- If anyone wants to meet up in Melbourne's far eastern
suburbs (Montrose), my old man and I will throw a shindig. Is anyone
even out this way?

Casey Butler
Twitter: @caseybutler

On Feb 11, 11:47 pm, Elias Bizannes <> wrote:
> Hi Deniss,
> I like your meetup idea but for different reasons - let me explain why.
> First of all, it all boils down to this:
> - entrepreneurs complain there is not enough capital
> - financiers complain there are not enough quality entrepreneurs
> - Owners complain there is not enough talent
> - Employees complain there is not enough pay and opportunity for development
> Depending on which circle you hang around, you will hear a version of one of
> those four themes. People love feeling sorry for themselves, as it takes the
> blame off them.
> But at the end of the day, you can write a book on the amount of success
> stories we have that originated in Australia, executed in Australia, and
> that have impacted the world. We're not exactly a country like Bolivia,
> where even optimists lose hope.
> So to your question: "whether young entrepreneurs in Australia have
> favourable environment business or something is missing?" is a question
> that's answered by the fact 20% of our population are foreign born. On any
> broad based metric, Australia is a favourable environment for a business and
> shits all over other countries. It's not perfect but our weaknesses also
> give us unique strengths. (All that great capital in the Valley that people
> pine for, has created a culture of build to flip, and few sustaininable
> independent businesses).
> The question you should be asking yourself, and which people on the mailing
> list are missing the point of, is "how can I surrounded myself more with the
> people on this list and beyond?". I created this mailing list so that we
> could build awareness of what exists - identify the dots on the map - and
> then hopefully connect those dots like a spider web gone crazy.
> Put smart people together in a room on any topic and you can do anything.
> Elias Bizannes
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