On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Elias Bizannes
<elias.bizan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Legal and finance can be taken care of by my old man and myself
> respectively.
> I'll put $500 to be an investor and help you find another 48.
> Three questions:
> 1) What proportion of the equity do the investors put in and how much is
> retained by the founders?
I think this would have to be decided based on the startup. I'm
reckoning 10 per cent would be your starting point but if there is a
company that reckons they're valued at more than that, you don't want
to rule them out because you're sticking to 10 per cent. So you'd draw
a consensus and then make an offer
> 2) What will be the selection process?
Would need to be banged out
> 3) Any special conditions (ie, brand new startup, investors cannot be
> funded?)
I'd suggest the only condition should be there are no other investors
in the company other than the founders and that it is early stage
> Elias Bizannes
> http://liako.biz
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Phil Sim <philip...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Silicon Beach Startup Syndicate
>> 50 shares @ $500 = $25,000
>> Invested in 1 startup
>> We invite any startup to apply
>> We have a meetup to let a shortlist present
>> We select a startup
>> We set up a mail group/blog/facebook group whatever to keep everyone
>> in touch with progress and to provide feedback/mentoring to the
>> startup
>> Within the community/syndicate we organise some free/cheap services
>> like hosting/design/marketing/etc to further assist the startup
>> We have quarterly meetups to hear progress from startup, network and
>> have a few drinks
>> I think a lot of us tend to think too big. Realistically to get
>> something off the ground we need to start small and take a first step.
>> So lets start with one startup, keep the number of investors under 50
>> to overcome that ASIC rule. And we should almost just about get 50 off
>> the list + direct contacts. Pretty much, all we need is someone to
>> agree to contribute the legals/finance aspect and I can't see any
>> reason we can't push this ahead pretty quickly.
>> What do you's reckon?
> >

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