Nice one Mark!

Another handy resource for the community to build on.


2009/5/25 Mark Burch <>

>  Hi All,
> I would like to announce that site is in beta
> release and ready for your use.
> It’s a free place to advertise jobs to the Silicon Beach crowd.
> Question: Why did you do this?
> Answer: Because a email distribution group isn’t really a good way to
> advertise jobs.
> Question: Mark why is this free?
> Answer: I just recently came into some “underemployment” time, and wanted
> to look for jobs in the startup scene. There wasn’t a place I could do this,
> so I created one. If this gets some traction I might take some paid
> advertisements or put a paypal donate button on it (with the assumption that
> if you get a job through this site, you’ll be so deliriously grateful that
> you’ll want to send me your first pay...or $30 whichever is greater)
> Question: Mark why is this site so ugly?
> Answer: Three reasons. 1 its beta and I haven’t finish hacking the CSS yet.
> 2 I’m not really a designer so I don’t know what I’m doing. 3. I’m not
> getting paid for this. And I don’t appreciate your attitude thank you very
> much.
> Question:  where do we send feedback/bug reports/questions/kind words of
> encouragement?
> Answer: or
> I have one request to the employers in this email group.
> Please reply back to me directly ( and let me know:
> A: Yes this is a great idea we intend to use this to advertise some jobs...
> B: This doesn’t meet our needs, our recruitment processes are already in
> place. Thanks anyway.
> Regards,
> Mark Burch
> >

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