I like this idea! I'd totally watch it.

On Feb 2, 3:51 pm, Owen Kelly <o...@novede.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I received a bit of feedback from my introductions post last week about a
> startup show. I have been looking at producing one, so I am pretty keen to
> get it off the ground, but I will need your help.
> At the moment I am planning 2 shows. The first of which is a radio style
> show in my studio, with 1-2 skype guests, much like my current show Parity
> Bit, or anything on twit.tv. The current topics are in no particular order
> or prefence, Startup News, Business Information/Stories. The idea would be
> to get a rotating panel of guests to come on to talk about the current news
> of the startup world (10-15mins), and then have a discussion with the guests
> about some experiences with their own startup (10-20mins).
> The second show is quite different, and involves me going to a startup, or
> startup event (Melbourne only at the moment, though if the show takes off
> I'll definitely do a Sydney/Brisbane trip) and profiling/interviewing the
> founders/workers. This would be shot on my cinema camera (think 5dmkii on
> steroids), and would run for between 10-25mins.
> *And here's where I need your help.* If you like this idea reply to this
> thread. Every message I get makes this show come to the net faster.
> If you think you would be a suitable guest or startup for either show reply
> here as well.
> Any suggestions for topics to cover, or guests to have on pop in here too.
> If there is enough interest this show will be up by late February, and as
> you may notice I am getting into video quite heavily, so this show would be
> a weekly show.
> I have no idea about names just yet, so if you have an idea throw that in as
> well.
> Thanks.,
> Owen Kellyhttp://www.novede.com

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