They're both good suggestions and, as the response to this thread
highlights, the time is right.

1. It seems to me that there is a high demand for developers (front
and back end) in the Sydney startup scene so a job board can only help
the process of connecting people.  I know myself that often I have
some downtime where I could do some freelance work and a job board
would be useful.  Moreover it'd be a great way for potential founders
to connect and at least see what is out there.

The plugin you've found Elias could be great, it's worth a test.  I
can plugin a Wordpress instance if you need it?  I am not entirely
sure what you had in mind but my personal opinion is that the job
board should be as simple as possible.  I'm not sure if people have
seen job boards such as those run by 37Signals (http://jobs., Behance ( or
ProgrammerMeetDesigner ( but the
simplicity of those sites appeal to me.  I frequent them occasionally
and if we had an equivalent here in Australia I think that'd be
something special.

2. Although focusing on the job board at first I think a HN clone
could work if we all supported it (however I agree it'd be interesting
to see what became of Delinker).  I think we'd have to be careful not
to be doubling-up with what's on HN as I assume a lot of us read that
regularly too.  For me, the framework that HN is built off is very
clean and simple...I think it's certainly more user-friendly than
Google Groups, so it's a worthwhile suggestion as an addition to the
SB network.

Looking forward to pulling this all off.  Happy to help getting
something up and running to trial.


On Jun 15, 10:05 am, Elias Bizannes <> wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestions everyone.
> Talking only about the job website for now and prompted by this thread, I
> discovered an interesting wordpress plugin (and developed by an
> Australian!) Wordpress
> is used, we can potentially leverage the technolgy to do other things. That
> said, I've yet to test it out.
> Then we can get more structured data that can be skinned in better ways for
> presentation, not to mention RSS and the like.
> Elias Bizannes
> *Coming to a freeway near you:*
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Geoff Langdale 
> <>wrote:
> > Creating a temporary Google group called silicon-beach-jobs would be
> > an interesting experiment. That is, as a placeholder, during the no
> > doubt brief time that this thread will take to generate a consensus
> > and a coherent plan of action.
> > Geoff "Doesn't care what colour the damn bike shed is" Langdale.
> > --
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