Maybe it makes sense to ask all members first, what features do they want to have and will use, what implementation will they prefer?

It can be a simple questionnaire/voting using SurveyMonkey or GoogleDocs forms. I would be happy to construct the draft and open access to people who want to contribute.


Best regards,

Alexander Levashov 

Custom web development business 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011, 10:47:09 PM, you wrote:


  • Pick one thing to build first, either a jobs board or a HN clone!
  • Get a team together
  • Build it over a weekend, open source the code / design on
  • Allow any developer / designer to tweak or add the design or add new features over time.
  • Launch
  • Getting Silicon Beach to brainstorm is fantastic, but just get the core things up and running first, if it's something using Wordpress or Arc or a custom build, just get it done!

Whose going to step up?  I'll be at Silicon Beach on Friday, happy to lend any help I can.

By the way, there are about 3 or 4 Australian VPS providers that I know read this list.  I think that it'll probably need a smallish VPS of some kind.  Who wants to step up and give something back to the community for this endeavour?


On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 10:40 PM, Aymeric Gaurat-Apelli <> wrote:

Maybe the Reddit clone can be coded inside Wordpress as a plugin?

Aymeric Gaurat-Apelli

Working on

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 10:36 PM, Renai LeMay <> wrote:

There are two problems with creating Reddit and Hacker News clones:

1. Finding a suitable CMS.

2. Finding a suitable CMS.

Good luck :)



PS and just because I know a bunch of you coder types are going to

tell me how easy it is to whack together a Reddit/Hacker News clone

site from two bits of string, keep in mind that the cost of running a

web site is not in setting it up in the first place. It's in the

thousand modifications and tweaks you will make every day for the next

ten years to keep it running, add features, add in things like ad code

and SEO stuff and so on. This, my friend, is why WordPress is so

popular. Most of that is now easy enough that even journalists like me

can use it ;)


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