Glad to see so many Mark Suster fans. I really love reading his Blog
and watching his This Week In VC show its really eye opening.

As for the "Fail Fast" mantra I think if people are hearing that term
and not understanding the overall concept of "Failing Fast" in terms
of Lean Startup Methodology and Customer Discovery then it can be very

I think most innovative and leading businesses are made through
consistent failures because if you are not failing it means you are
not trying some new and therefore not innovating. To not fail means
you are always copying someone else's success which can help keep you
near the top but you will never be at the top. Which to be honest
isn't such a bad tactic but really not much fun in my mind.

The great thing with all these incremental failures is they require
you to make a decision to either try something new (iterate) or to
give up and I don't think that's the mantras fault but more part of a
persons personality. So many people will quit if something goes wrong.
They say ahh well I tried, to bad I gave it good go. Done. Others will
say well I tried and I failed but..... I got a little closer. To me
its an insatiable thirst for wanting to know what the answer is. What
the answer is to the question or the hypothesis in your head about
this business model, this customers pain, this service or product
because until we actually try something we will never know but before
we start we need to know what question we are trying to answer. If we
don't know this the goal posts are always moving and we never need to
take a hard look at where we started and say hang on we are way off
track. Is this still were we wanted to go. Is there still a business
model here. If not what other options do we have. That to me is the

To me life is all about asking questions and finding answers. Whats
the answer to life? Just another question :) thats why its so
interesting. Imagine if we knew the answer to everything and knew that
that Eureka moment!

In my opinion if you have someone that doesn't have that thirst to
want to learn more, to find that answer and isn't interested in
digging a little deeper then maybe they are either digging in the
wrong place or not cut out for this type of role.

Saying that you can get people who will do whatever they can to find
the answer but are also so blinded that they don't see the bigger
picture or really take the time to understand what the other failings
taught them or the don't want to acknowledge the truth.

So in my mind Dylan +1 mate "Learn Fast" has my vote!

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