American Employers in the States are not so different than here.

If the situation is that an Australian is using a trading company in
the Bahama's, that would be treated by an employer in the same
way here as there.

One thing that is very important to remember also, is Software.

In that tax offices now have much more sophisticated modelling
software than they ever had in the past.

This allows them to feed in your company trading statements
into their systems and they will profile the numbers and those
programs and they are particularly good at examining capital gains
taxe areas.

Things that used to be possible with Capital Gains tax minimisation
are no longer possible.

For Australians, the benefits of internationalisation seem actually
greater than for Americans. And in places like the Bahama's, there's
lots of US tax inspectors about, but I never came across any
from Australia which gives the place a special appeal.

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