Hey Avis,

Thanks for your comment.

I get that question a lot.  Our goal initially is to attract leaders
that are already sharing what they are trading & investing, so the
concept of allowing others to see this information isnt new to them.
 I believe the 'social' paradigm shift now reaching investing and more
people are already comfortable sharing this information and see the
value in sharing, and they're discovering that they won't lose their
edge by doing so, and i believe this is trend will continue.

Currently we don't allow leaders to reveal their strategy, just what
they bought or sold.  They can, however, communicate to followers why
they bought or sold something.  We built the Trade Notes feature based
on feedback from leaders.  We're working on other features to allow
leaders to better control who can follow them (who they share with),
but i think this is a feature and not a change of concept.



On Feb 7, 2:28 am, Avis M <avismulh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Mike
> Congrats on the launch, the site looks great.
> I'm actually also a qualified financial advisor so I think it's a
> great platform and I'd definitely use it for my own personal
> portfolio.
> My only question is, what is your feedback from 'leaders' - ie. the
> transparency of the site in seeing peoples trades is awesome from an
> end user/follower perspective, but I'm not too sure that if I were a
> sh*t hot broker that I'd want everyone knowing my trading history/
> strategies...so I guess I'm just curious to see what your feedback has
> been from professional/regular traders.
> Cheers
> Avis
> @avismulhall
> On Feb 3, 6:33 am, Michael Giles <m...@roboinvest.com> wrote:
> > Hey thanks everyone for all the comments.  The activity has been
> > interesting - check out this college 
> > kidhttp://www.roboinvest.com/mitchmeabe/
> > and this leader runs a newsletter who is also doing great in only a
> > few days -http://www.roboinvest.com/SmarTrend/
> > I'm interested to know what would make it more interesting to you, as
> > a beginner investor, to use the platform?  Would you like to know how
> > the leader does it? (ie, their trading/investment strategy?) More
> > communication from the leader to their followers?  Or just more
> > education on investing in general?
> > @Shane thats good feedback thanks.
> > @Geoff spot on!
> > @Matt thanks!
> > @AndrewR & co - RE competition - I'm familiar with the competition and
> > know most of the founders and CEO's personally as i've met them around
> > the traps, which is the awesome thing about working on a startup like
> > this in New York City.
> > @David @Vinko We're focused to the US market right now, but we've
> > built the platform to be broker-neutral and will add more brokers
> > soon. The Australian market is in the roadmap however it is quite
> > small comparatively - for example, E*TRADE has 2.8 million online
> > investing customers, and the entire Australian market (CommSec,
> > E*TRADE Australia, Westpac, etc) is about 2.5 million.  However,
> > Australian's can still follow a leader and trade CFD's over US listed
> > stocks that our current users are trading, so check it out if you are
> > into it.
> > @Chris on Profitly - Roboinvest has direct real time integration which
> > others don't - but Tim is a great bloke (and great marketer!) and we
> > speak often.
> > @Andrew small world hey, ill hit you up about that.
> > Thanks for all the feedback.
> > Cheers
> > Mike
> > On Twitter? Follow me athttp://twitter.com/harland
> > On Feb 2, 1:08 am, Vinko Grgic <vinko.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hey Mike,
> > > Site looks great and what a great concept. I tried dabbling in
> > > investments a few years back, signed up for a Westpac Online Investing
> > > account (they've been my bank for ages) but then as mentioned by other
> > > people just didn't know how to begin. I am excited at the prospects of
> > > being able to use a site like yours to get started. Basically you have
> > > reignited my interest in investments. I do think the site functions
> > > beautifully well (account, profile and social integration are smooth
> > > and classy), but like Chris Were stated - I would like to see more
> > > platforms available other than e*trade (which is American?). I am not
> > > sure what platform Westpac OI uses but if Roboinvest supported it and
> > > I could connect the two accounts, I would have likely already put some
> > > money in.
> > > Great work mate, all the best
> > > Vinko Grgicwww.arribaa.com
> > > On Feb 1, 7:25 am, Michael Giles <m...@roboinvest.com> wrote:
> > > > G'day Silicon Beachers,
> > > > Some here will know me, most probably wont.
> > > > I wanted to tell the community that my startup Roboinvest (http://
> > > > roboinvest.com) has officially launched.  This recent article summed
> > > > us up pretty well 
> > > > -http://www.mybanktracker.com/bank-news/2012/01/29/social-investing-ma....
> > > > I founded the company 18 months ago in Melbourne, then 12 months ago
> > > > did a stint at RPI (college in upstate New York -http://rpi.edu),
> > > > then 6 months ago moved the company to New York City where i am
> > > > currently based.  I have raised a small amount of funding and have an
> > > > E-2 visa.
> > > > To give you a quick elevator pitch, Roboinvest is a US based social
> > > > investing platform, with direct integration to E*TRADE, that allows
> > > > self directed investors (we call followers) to "look over the
> > > > shoulder" of verified top investors (we call leaders) in real time,
> > > > using a subscription based pay-to-follow model, that's statistically
> > > > proven to increase profitability by 66%.
> > > > Essentially followers get to see what leaders are investing in, the
> > > > second the leader does a trade.
> > > > If finance and investing is your thing, please check it out and send
> > > > me your feedback - i would love to hear it!
> > > > Also, for any fellow Aussies in NYC that i havent met or any Aussies
> > > > coming over to NYC feel free to reach out to me.
> > > > Cheers
> > > > Michael "Mike" Gileshttp://twitter.com/harland
> > > > #TradeResponsibly

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