On Fri, Apr 13, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Vinko Grgic <vinko.gr...@gmail.com> wrote:

 You need to be
> comfortable wielding a pencil before you even consider using a
> mouse...technology doth not maketh the capable designer. But it all
> starts in the brain anyhow.

Agree with that. That's why I think such a tool should start with
a wireframe model. Maybe even some gesture (patents).

> I never said it was easy, or even possible...but I wondered if you could
> see and manipulate the web app in production, in both front and back end
> together (see the connections while working on
> UI). The kind of way David touched on where you could look "behind"
> elements and visually see what it's doing. An MVP might be just being
> able to see which bits of backend code it correlates/communicates
> with...whack that together with a git kind of environment, and you
> could visually work front end side by side with a developer writing
> code for the backend - on the fly...maybe one day this will be the way
> people make apps?

It's invevitable that 3D editing is going to come. You've only got
to look at all the gesture stuff that's been happening to work out
that VIM is in somewhat of a danger (unless there comes a 3D
plugin for that - lol - and I wouldn't bet money against that - lol)

> I get all the points regarding standardization, totally agree. Without
> a standard way of looking at this stuff, and representing this
> stuff...it's VERY difficult to make a tool like this possible.

Dunno. Databases get confusing because all the views get
filed together as do Tables. Sure it's fine as a collection.

But where's the Cover-Flow / Image-Flow in that? and which
views go to which web pages? Have to rely on memory or
code hunting to figure that out.

> Think Tron. Haha, how geeky do I sound now?

Tron was cool. Sound geeky enough. At least you understood

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