On 26 April 2012 16:28, Patrick Collins <pcolli...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Raman,
> As a rational person that feeling in your gut of getting incorrectly
> married to a wonky idea is completely rational. In fact what is irrational
> is how quickly people can "believe" in their idea with no market data to
> support whether it will ever succeed. Not even basic testing.
> I made this post a while ago might and might satisfy the yearning for a
> bit more structure around finding the right idea:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/silicon-beach-australia@googlegroups.com/msg08326.html
> Patrick.

I've been reading (about halfway through now) the book Patrick
; *What Customers Want: Using Outcome-Driven Innovation to Create
Breakthrough Products and Services* by Anthony Ulwick. I'm reading it
partly because of Patrick's previous post (the one he linked), and partly
because Graham (who responded really concisely above) smashed me over the
head with the concept in a recent discussion in this group. A large part of
the book is Ulwick's argument that there is no such thing as a latent need,
and it's compelling and cogent. It's certainly changed the way I talk about
my ideas, and I'm working on reconfiguring my brain to think this way too.

Good luck,

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