
>     Well, it's enriching Satoshi regardless of whether anyone knows who he,
>     she or they are. Pseudonymous enrichment is still enrichment.

> It might be... assuming it isn't someone who has done it for the greater
> good and did not (whether it's an individual or a group) hoard many
> themselves... in the FOSS world, people do that in software all the time
> so it would not be that unusual if that were the case... 

Well, two answers to this:

- Somebody has ended up with all those Bitcoins mined in 2009 and the
first half of 2010. That would be Satoshi and friends. Call it a couple
of million bitcoins (current nominal value a couple of billion dollars).

- There's an obvious, clearly deliberate mechanism for enriching the
originator. Why would Satoshi put in that mechanism, other than to use it?

>     The thing is that the deflationary monetary policy was clearly
>     deliberately chosen — it's not the simplest or the most obvious to
>     encode (that would be a constant per-block reward). At the same time,
>     there's no public explanation of why that one was chosen, and the
>     documentation seems to steer away from even asking the question.

>     Why was this non-obvious policy chosen?

> Is anything about any monetary/currency policy trivial? The current
> system is far far far from obvious...

It's not trivial, but it tends to be explained. Sometimes those
explanations and reasons are products of their time and/or situation,
but they're there, you can look them up, they make sense in context.

With the Bitcoin monetary policy, nobody ever explains.

>     The question isn't what a currency is, the question is what is the
>     primary purpose of Bitcoin.

> To take out the middleman? To enable P2P transactions? and _take away
> centralised control_ ... i thought they state that in the first 5
> seconds of every video out there!

Maybe... or maybe that's just the marketing pitch.

It's not like Satoshi is available for cross-examination, so we must
make do with the next best thing: the evidence of actions. And those
actions suggest that whoever wrote the software had a higher priority on
enriching themselves than on an actual workable currency system.

Jiří Baum <j...@baum.com.au>
Sabik Software Solutions Pty Ltd
0413 183 117

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