On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 09:54:12AM +0400, Ramakrishnan Sundaram wrote:

> Bruce Metcalf said the following on 21/02/2007 07:29:
> > I must have more sensitive radar. Or maybe it's just my wife's monthly
> > scrutiny of the bill. Or maybe it's the A/C that brings the monthly rate
> > up over US$200.

In USsia a residential Watt for a year is worth about $1. You 
seem to burn the equivalent of 2.4 kW, 24/7/365. That's like
burning 40 60 W incandescents 24 h per day. 
> It's certainly the AC. I switched the whole house to CFL two years ago -
> about 40 bulbs. There's been no observable difference in the bills.
> But eight months a year here it goes above 40 degrees celsius, and the
> electricity bills drop to about 30% of their summer peak in the other 4
> months.

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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