
Udhay Shankar N wrote:
Cory Doctorow wrote: [ on 04:53 PM 1/28/2008 ]

Hey Silklisters! I'm working on a new novel that includes some action set among young gold farmers working in a special economic zone in India. At this stage, I haven't made up my mind as to where this should be, which is why I'm soliciting your advice.

I want a location that is:

* Rapidly "westernizing"

At the risk of getting my ear bitten off by the Chennai-lovers, I'd argue that Chandigarh was much more liberal/permissive than Chennai (historically / in popular perception / theoretically?) was.

Albeit, from a classmate who moved to Noida, the ugly massive malls have been cleanly imported into Noida.

Madhu M Kurup /* Nemo Me Impune Lacessit */ mmk222 at cornell dt edu

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