For complex reasons, I'm assuming for the sake of the book that international norms and treaties on gold farming will not stabilize and so there won't be any actual lawbreaking going on -- at least, not INDIAN lawbreaking.

At this point, I'm really leaning towards Pune. Does anyone have good connections there?


Srini Ramakrishnan wrote:
(Apologies for the top post - gmail for mobile is well - in evolution)

I recommend the audio version, it is really well made. Btw, I haven't
seen a mention of Mysore - it's a great small town not too far from
Bangalore. To echo biju's thoughts - locating the story in an SEZ
would cause credibility issues - I'd expect any business that's not
very legal will want to stay away from regulation. SEZs are more
monitored than most businesses. No one would mind a gold farming
operation in someone's attic, it is far better work than assembling
matches or rolling ink on cloth.

Btw, my ex-employer used to (maybe still does) run a support center
for second life in Mysore. Gamers stuck in SL used to call in for help
or some such. I am not familiar with the details of the operation, but
apparently the employees who supported the operation had a lot of fun.
It was all very legal, and employed people who would otherwise have
difficulty finding a similarly comfortable job.

I think exploring the experiences of someone who's never used a
computer becoming an expert in SL or similar is worth writing about.


On 1/30/08, Thaths <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Jan 28, 2008 8:14 PM, Deepa Mohan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have NOTHING to contribute to this gold-farming sci-fi novel thread
but just want to say, Cory, that it's a great idea for a novel and I
do hope it goes well!  How lovely to see someone else doing all the
work....! I just have to buy the book at the end....

You should check out the short story 'Anda's Game' that Cory wrote on
this theme some time ago. It is available in several formats
(including audio) from:

Bart: We were just planning the father-son river rafting trip.
Homer: Hehe. You don't have a son.
Sudhakar Chandra                                    Slacker Without Borders

Cory Doctorow

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