OK, I'll try once more, and then give up to do other things with my time:

ss wrote: [ on 06:32 AM 3/1/2008 ]

The Indian constitution accepts religion, and accepts conversions (by
implication) as part of religion. The constitution does not specifically
prohibit protests for or against any cause, but protests against conversions
are often sought to be portrayed as a form of intolerant extremism (I am not
targeting any specific person here)

This ignores what I have attempted to point out multiple times before. Your "right to protest" is valid only as long as it does not trample on any other right of any other person, such as the right to freely practise her religion. "Your right to swing your fist stops where my face begins".

If religion is the guilty party, members of any one religion cannot be held as
guilty in isolation. All believers are equally guilty.

Indeed, but this has little, if anything, to do with the preceding point.


((Udhay Shankar N)) ((udhay @ pobox.com)) ((www.digeratus.com))

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