On 3/1/08, ss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But there may well be greater forces at work. If you look at the history of

For me, politics and religion dont mix...the former is about control,
greed for power and money whilst the latter (specifically Upanishad
texts and the like) is about *not* hankering after control, power and
money and going spiritual (not ritualistic).  So when I see public
property being destroyed in the name of any religion I only see
criminal behavior, as it speaks of a lack of respect and utter
disregard for the legal system and the common tax-paying public (hence
me). The worst imho is we accept it with a casual chalta hai attitude
because we have no choice to make a change or maybe the rot is so
deeply ingrained that we cant do anything about it.

> The only explanation for the survival of Hinduism I believe that its
> followers
> managed to be just as murderous against opponents as Christianity and Islam.

Well, I like to believe it survived because amongst all the the
different philosophies, dualism, non-dualism theories and what not it
has "non-violence" as a core part of the ideology.

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