On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 10:00 AM, ss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Saturday 18 Oct 2008 8:38:30 am Gautam John wrote:
>> Just saw this:
>> http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/print/200811/airport-security
> There is a perception problem that is affectng security agencies in the US
> (IMVHO of course).
> The US has never really faced concerted serious terrorist attacks within its
> own heartland like India, or for that matter Britain, Germany and Spain. Or
> Russia.
> With 9-11 and its aftermath, US security agencies took "certain steps" and the
> US has not had any further attacks. This fact (that the US has not faced
> further attacks) can now be used to feed the justification that the measures
> that the US took were and are effective.
> IOW one can reach the conclusion that it is good and wise to check shampoo
> bottles.
> Somehow, I suspect that lawyers in the US are inextricably intertwined with
> this. I know for a fact that even doctors sometimes delay emergency medical
> treatment in the US until a patient with a particular emergency is certified
> by peers as suffering from a problem that has a specific code and that the
> treatment necessary for that code is applied. If the treatment is given
> without that code certification, the doctor can get sued. Succesfully. (The
> antics that doctors in the US need to resort to to make sure they get
> insurance to cough up and to keep themselves out of trouble is another story)
> So you can bet that US security agencies opeate under the same "cover your
> ass" pressure that has less to do with what is humane or sensible and more to
> do with what keeps them out of trouble.  But I do admit that the line s very
> fine. The more lax you are the more likely that some terrorist can slip
> through.
> But that is only one half of the story. Training and indoctrination camps for
> terrorists are a dime a dozen in Pakistan. In the last few weeks it has been
> reevaled that a "Taliban commander" killed renectly by a US drone attack was
> a Pakistani army officer. The US has paid Pakistan more than $ 14 billion in
> the last 7 years, or which half has been for the Paksitani army. This figure
> excludes covert payments and payments as rent for use of bases and other
> faclities.

Not to mention the serious lack of foresight amongst agencies who dont
know (or dont care or cant control) how the funds/money they gave for
a seemingly just cause was thence misused. Not surprising at all....
Isnt there some story about creating a monster to destroy another but
over time the monster grows and turns its attention to its creator.
Or maybe its not their house that's burning so why bother....

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