On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 7:52 PM, Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Postbiota are evolutionary successors of us/our machines, living in deep
> space as native habitat. They will self-select to create a relativistic
> expanding pioneer critter wavefront, that tranforms any stellar system
> it passes by. By changing the dead dirt into self it prevents possible
> advent of future life (and is difficult to observe, due to relativistic
> speed and observer-extinguishing/emergence-preventing side effect (anthropic
> principle)). Being darwinian machines these will self-optimize until they
> reach ultimate or omega fitness regime at very high diversity, after
> which only change is random brownian spatiotemporal fitness oscillations.
> This kinda negates them being stranglers-in-the-crib of protolife and
> killers of subexpansive life (as us-current, for instance). In my book.

Hey, I want to write like that! I didn't understand a damn word, of
course. And even though I think it's just a crock of high-sounding
crap that leads no where, it'd be damn cool to string together words
like that.


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