> Badri Natarajan wrote:
>> jail shouting slogans - you'll probably draw enough people to create a
>> mob
>> quite quickly and you can go in and take him out, along with the last
> As opposed to the people from whom we are protecting him by assiging
> extremely tight security?

I genuinely don't understand what you mean by this bit.

>> shreds of the rule of law in India.
> These laws are going to find him guilty and hang him. Maybe they will
> find out some more about the terrorist network. But those chaps already
> know he is in jail and if they are as good as planning a 9/11 and 26/11,
> one can safely assume they will change the passwords. While I am not
> saying that we lynch this guy, what in the name of all things good, are
> we trying to achieve here? Prove to the world we are good guys? The
> world knows that. Prove we are a democracy? Again, we are the largest
> democracy according to everybody.

I'm not sure I follow what you're saying here either, but self-evidently,
we're holding him in prison and giving him a trial because that is what
the law requires (and it is the right thing to do). The purpose of a trial
isn't to gather intelligence (I'm guessing that's happened already,
subject to the limitations you pointed out). It's not an optional exercise
to prove anything to anyone. It shows that however flawed it is, we still
have *some* semblance of the rule of law in India.


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