Deepa Mohan wrote:

> For Brahmins (only men of course) , after sitting down at the palm leaf, and
> after the meal has been served up to the rice part (before the sambar) it is
> mandatory to take a palmful of water, take it around the leaf  clockwise
> three times with the water dribbling around (probably to purify the food?),

This is to apparently keep the ants and other insects out, if you look
at it scientifically.

> saying, or rather muttering, the Gayatri mantra (I think). Then, the man
> says, "achyuthAya namaha, ananthAya namaha, gOvindAya namaha, Om shri
> kEshava nArAyaNA mAdhava gOvinda vishNu madhusoodhana thrivikra vAmana ....

They say something, I never got around to learn it, and then eat three
grains of rice first and then commence the meal. But the mantra is not
the one you have mentioned. The mantra, while correct and all, is
usually done many time for various reasons. I never got a proper answer
from any "perivaal" (literally, older people... actually, the wiser
ones, or so they say) when I asked.


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